Seasonal Cybersecurity Tips for Shopping, Giving, & Holiday Travel

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is officially here, and with it brings a new kind of hectic to our lives. From shopping for the perfect gifts for our loved ones to traveling to be with family and friends and giving back in our local communities, there is much to be grateful for this time of year even with the slightly chaotic nature of it all. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are aware of this flurry of emotions and increased purchasing and it is a prime time for them to strike with an attack. Below are some guidelines you can keep in mind when shopping and giving online as well as traveling securely wherever you may roam this holiday season!
Shopping Online
Ninety-three percent of shoppers will buy at least some of their presents for loved ones online during the holiday season, according to a Gallup poll. While shopping online, it is crucial that we keep security at the top of our minds.
Look for HTTPS - When shopping online, you may find yourself visiting websites you would not normally be shopping from; while this can be a little intimidating, you can make the process a bit safer by only shopping from websites which have HTTPS (instead of HTTP) at the beginning of their web address. Though this appears to be a minimal difference on the surface, the S literally stands for secure and represents a secure connection. Only enter your credit card information on sites that you trust with the S included.
Use your credit card - Fraud protection is greater with credit cards than with debit cards; though the goal is to avoid fraudulent activity altogether, in the event you encounter such an issue, the bank will be more able to assist you if you used your credit card for purchases.
Update your devices - By keeping the devices you are shopping on updated, you are ensuring that the operating system you are utilizing is the most secure it could possibly be. This simple step can help you to avoid risks and vulnerabilities that would otherwise be very present had you not updated your system or device.
Watch Out for Unrealistic Deals - If a discount or deal appears too good to be true, it unfortunately likely is; scammers know that thoughtful purchasers are looking for any ways to legitimately stretch their dollar when shopping online for holiday gifts, so they often set a trap for individuals by setting up websites that look similar to legitimate sites with deals that are far too good to be true - the best price on the Internet! However, these are illegitimate and malicious sites that steal credit card and other personally identifiable information (PII) from unsuspecting shoppers.
Giving Online
The holidays not only bring about a giving spirit in the form of gifts to our loved one, but also charitable feelings as well. Contributing to deserving organizations is absolutely a wonderful and honorable way to celebrate this time of the year, and you should do so if you are able. A consideration that needs to be taken in account though is the fact that there are malicious actors out there who will try to exploit the kindness of some individuals. To avoid these crooks, consider the following:
Research the Organization/Cause - To ensure your money is going to the right place to help the cause you are passionate about at this time of year, do your research. Ensure the organization you are donating to is legitimate and that you are in fact using the correct web address for said entity. The IRS advises that you check the TEOS, or Tax-Exempt Organization Search, to verify that a charitable organization is in fact charitable.
Verify a Crowdfunding Page’s Legitimacy - You may find that, rather than donating to a charity this holiday season, you are drawn to give back to people in your own personal life or in the lives of someone who is close to a loved one of yours. People set up crowdfunding pages for many reasons, often to contribute to medical expenses or other expenses associated with unexpected costs in their lives. It is very kind to consider contributing to one of these causes, however, you must be sure to verify the authenticity of the link or page for the specific crowdfunding you are wanting to donate towards as malicious actors will sometimes set up false pages to dupe kind-hearted people. Most websites which organize crowdfunding causes list the person who created the page, reach out to this person and/or the person who shared this page with you to verify that it is in fact a legitimate fundraiser.
Be cautious with your donations - Unfortunately, there are some people out there who take advantage of other people’s willingness to give back. Malicious actors will use nearly anything as a front to trick unsuspecting users into giving up information or money to the hackers, including charitable donations. Be cautious of unsolicited emails, requests for urgent donations, or high-pressure tactics as these are all signs of cybercriminal activity.
Traveling Securely
Whether you’re heading home for the holidays or taking a trip to a winter wonderland, it is still important to keep cybersecurity toward the top of your priority list when traveling.
Only use secure connections - Do not use public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive activities like banking or accessing any of your personal accounts while traveling, as these are some of the least secure connections available. Not only are they often poorly protected by a widely-available password, but you do not know what the intentions are of those around you who are also connected to these networks. If you must access personal accounts or financial logins while traveling, use another device as a hotspot or connect to a VPN to help protect your sensitive data.
Do not overshare online - Limit what you share on social media in regards to travel plans or detailed location updates in order to protect against potential security risks such as sharing your whereabouts with random people or letting folks close to home know you are not physically there! There are also cyber risks to oversharing online such as social engineering attacks, in which the attacker will try to use the information shared online to manipulate you into doing things they demand like giving up sensitive information or monetary payment. Wait to share our holiday travel pictures until you are safely back home!
Secure devices when not in use - Lock devices that are not currently being used with a strong password. Use a different passcode for each device to increase this protection. Also be sure to physically protect your devices by locking them up in a safe or in a suitcase with a combination on it while on trips both domestic and abroad.