The Multiple Facets of Strong Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an essential piece of operating in today's world in nearly any capacity. Be it at work or in your personal life, you likely deal with Internet-capable devices throughout your day everyday. It is important to keep your devices and networks protected in order to keep your vital data safe from malicious actors. To better understand how to stay cybersecure, you should familiarize yourself with the three building blocks that make up the basis for strong cybersecurity.
Network security is essential to successfully building a base for cybersecurity. Network security involves all aspects of protecting a network including things like antivirus software, application security, firewalls, and more. It is the process of protecting the connection we make to the Internet. This is an important piece of building a strong cybersecurity base because if we connect our devices to a network that is not secure, we put ourselves, our data, and our devices at risk of being accessed by unwanted parties. It is important to connect only to networks that you know are trusted and password protected (with a unique password).
Without devices we cannot connect to the networks necessary to access the Internet for our various tasks. Phones, laptops, VoIP phones, tablets, VR headsets, wearable technology, and nearly any other device you can think of can be a vessel for accessing networks. However, devices that are not secure can put you at risk for cyber vulnerabilities to creep in. Cybersecurity defenses related to devices are primarily related to keeping device software updated as new updates become available. Be sure to connect devices only to secure networks, as this will prevent unwanted access to your information by others on the network. Only access websites that you know are secure when using devices in order to protect them from attack.
Arguably, the most important aspect of building a strong cybersecurity base is made up of the human beings behind the devices. Users can be the difference between a secure system and an system full of vulnerabilities. Unsecured devices on publicly accessible networks can be made less risky when navigated by a tech-savvy user who can recognize the cybersecurity risks that are present and change their approach to safely use devices. Conversely, even the most secure of networks being accessed by only the most heavily protected devices could be put at risk in an instant if a person using a device mistakenly clicks on a link from a targeted phishing email. All of the network security and device protections in the world cannot help protect against human error or a person who ignores the rules for cybersecurity.
Protect yourself by using strong, unique passwords for each different login that you have. Do not click on links from sources which you are unfamiliar with. Be aware of what emerging threats are out there and ensure that you communicate any concerns you have with cybersecurity professionals.